Hello! I’m the LGBT+ Rep for the year 2018. King’s has big and welcoming LGBT+ community; many events are organised each term at King’s College and more widely in Cambridge.

My role as LGBT+ officer is to guarantee that everyone feels accepted and welcome. I represent the welfare and opinions of the LGBT+ people at KCSU meetings and I organize events and discussions. For this year I would like to organize more in college events in collaboration with the LGBT+ graduate rep.

My email address is for any questions you might have!
I can also be contacted anonymously here.


For Freshers

Congratulations on making it through the difficult application process! I’m looking forward to meeting you all in October when you arrive. You will soon find out that Cambridge and King’s College are a bit of a queer heaven and I’m sure you will love this place.

During freshers week there will be an LGBT+ squash (open to everyone) where you can get to know other students and find out more about LGBT+ life in Cambridge.

If for some strange reason you miss the LGBT+ squash, don’t worry! There will be plenty of events you can come to during the whole year. At the moment in my to do list there is a film night and a formal dinner.
In college there are also regular LGBT+ drinks with the Chaplain and DIVE, an electro/techno queer night!

Once you get your Hermes email address you will be able to read my beautiful emails!


Useful links

CUSU LGBT+ Website: Here you can find information about the university LGBT+ society, as well as links to various email lists and specific committee members.

Make No Assumptions: This is the Trans Awareness Campaign hosted by CUSU LGBT+. As well as a host of links and general information, it also has specific information about being trans at Cambridge, something that I’m also more than happy to talk to people about!