
Hi, I’m Martha Saunders – I’m a second year student at King’s and this year’s Women’s Officer. My job is to represent the interests of women in King’s, whether it’s through campaigning for better policies, running discussion groups, or supporting individual students.


What’s On

In fresher’s week, come along to the Women’s Campaign Fresher’s Squash and be sure to drop by the Women’s Campaign stall at Fresher’s Fair to pick up a termcard of our amazing events this term! Throughout the year I will be holding various events on the many facets of gender equality and intersectional feminism from film screenings to discussion groups, both in College and in collaboration with the CUSU Women’s Campaign. We also hold a fantastic annual King’s Women’s Dinner in Lent term.

If you ever want to find out more information about how to get involved with feminism and gender equality at King’s or Cambridge, want support with anything, or just want a chat, make sure to contact me – I’d love to hear from you!


Useful Links

CUSU Women’s Campaign

FLY – Cambridge’s network for women of colour