The News

  • KCSU Official Statement of Support for Sophia Cooke 2017/11/25 14:22:48
    In the light of her recently published blog and the subsequent media coverage, KCSU wishes to release a statement of support for Sophia Cooke. KCSU stands with Sophia Cooke and commits itself to tackling the lack of support given to survivors […]
  • KCSU policy on drinking societies 2015/10/31 12:24:12
    Hi King’s, This is a note on KCSU policy on drinking societies.  ✮✮✮ It can be hard to cope with the stresses and pressures of the Cambridge environment, especially if you come from a background that is traditionally underrepresented here. […]
  • KCSU By-election Results 2015/10/31 10:58:15
    Congratulations to the winners of the KCSU By-election on Friday 30 October. Our new officers are: Co-ordinator: SARAH WILSON International: RONAN MARRON Female Welfare: MIE MONTI Male Welfare: MATT WEINBERGER
  • Bar and Coffee Shop Survey 2015/10/12 11:06:42
    This survey will determine the quality of your life at King’s. OK, not exactly, but quite a big chunk of your undergrad life will be spend in King’s bar (which currently acts as our ‘JCR’, or dedicated common room) and the coffee shop. […]
  • Call for access volunteers – King’s Open Day on 22 September 2015/09/17 09:42:16
    King’s students – are you free on Tuesday 22 September and near Cambridge? King’s Admissions are looking for volunteers for the King’s Open Day. This is a last chance for Year 13s interested in studying at King’s to visit the […]
  • CUSU Freshers’ Website and Facebook Group! 2015/08/17 18:10:39
    CUSU has made a beautiful new freshers’ website – check it out here! Make sure you also join the Official 2015 Cambridge Freshers Facebook group here.
  • CUSU Council + Hustings: 26th February 2015/02/24 00:49:18
    Kingsfolk, CUSU Council is taking place on Thursday this week, so that it can also serve as the hustings for CUSU Sabbatical positions that are currently campaigning. The hustings will start straight after the Council meeting and so everybody should […]