Email templates


What are these for?

Does it ever feel like everyone else in Cambridge has got it sorted? Thankfully, that’s not true. Chances are at some point you’ll be ill, not feel well or simply be overwhelmed by work – in all of these cases and many more it is completely ok and normal to ask for a little bit of breathing space. So if you need to submit work late, rearrange a supervision or ask your DoS for some back up, these email templates will hopefully mean you have one less thing to worry about. Most people will be very understanding, but as ever, if you have any issues don’t hesitate to get in touch with Andrew or Mie 🙂

List of templates:

  1. Supervisor – missing deadline
  2. Supervisor – moving supervision
  3. DoS – unhelpful supervisor
  4. DoS/Course organiser – changing supervisor
  5. Subject Tutor – unhelpful DoS

1. Supervisor – missing deadline

RE: Supervision work

Dear …  

Unfortunately, I will be unable to meet today’s deadline for submitting my essay/supervision work. Recently I have been ill/not feeling well/overwhelmed by work and so have not been able to work as effectively as I would have liked to.

I apologise for the difficulty that this might cause you. (Either) When I have completed the work, it would be greatly appreciated if you could still have a look at it at a time convenient to you after the supervision. (Or) Would it be possible to extend the deadline to … ?

I will still be attending the supervision, and make a contribution to it.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best wishes,

2. Supervisor – moving supervision

RE: Rearranging supervision

Dear …

Unfortunately, recently I have been ill/not feeling well/ overwhelmed by work and therefore judge it best for both my welfare and work progress to move our our supervision arranged for … to a time next week/in two week’s time/etc.

I sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this causes you and your other students. (optional) If you are unable to supervise me at this time, please suggest to me another supervisor for this topic. (optional) I can contact my DoS about funding for extra supervisions if this is an issue.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best wishes,

3. DoS – unhelpful supervisor

RE: URGENT problems with supervisor (DoSes are very busy and often are buried in emails, don’t be afraid to make sure your email stands out, or to email again in a couple of days if no response is received)

Dear …

I am having troubles with my supervisor … for the paper … Due to ill health/not feeling well/ being overwhelmed by work I was unable to meet a deadline/attend a supervision/produce work fully. The supervisor has since not been helpful in empathising with my situation/marking my work/rearranging the supervision.

In order for this not to hinder my academic progress, would you be able to contact this supervisor and enquire about arranging for my work to be marked/an extra supervision.

Thank you for your understanding and help.

Best wishes,

4. DoS/Course organiser – changing supervisor 

RE: URGENT problems with supervisor (DoSes/Course Organisers are very busy and often are buried in emails, don’t be afraid to make sure your email stands out, or to email again in a couple of days if no response is received)

Dear …

I am having troubles with my supervisor … for the paper … Due to ill health/not feeling well/being overwhelmed by work I was unable to meet a deadline/attend a supervision/produce work fully. The supervisor has since not been helpful in empathising with my situation/marking my work/rearranging the supervision.

I feel that the relationship has deteriorated to the extent that it would be beneficial for both parties to simply find an alternative supervisor. Would you be able to put me in contact with a different supervisor? (If to course organiser) I can get in touch with my Director of Studies to arrange any extra funding that this switch may incur.

Thank you for your understanding and help.

Best wishes,

5. Subject Tutor – unhelpful DoS

RE: URGENT problems with DoS (Tutors are very busy and often are buried in emails, don’t be afraid to make sure your email stands out, or to email again in a couple of days if no response is received)


This term I have been struggling with ill health/not feeling well/being overwhelmed with work. Unfortunately, my DoS has not been helpful in empathising with my situation/communicating with supervisors/arranging extra help. This has been to the detriment of my wellbeing and academic progress.

I feel that the relationship has deteriorated to the extent that it would be beneficial for both parties if I were to be placed with another DoS. It would be greatly appreciated if you could help me begin this process.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best wishes,

You can find out who your subject teacher is at in the Academic Affairs section of this page